Advertising on GSBANA website is limited to sheep/fiber related equipment, products, classes, workshops, festivals, animals, or services.

All Classified Ads (Options 1 and 2) will run for a minimum of 3 months. You must be a member of GSBANA to run a Classified Ad. Newest ads will appear at the top of the page.

Display Ads (Option 3) will run a minimum of 6 months. We invite nonmembers and members to run Display Ads. Display ads are located in the sidebar on the Classifieds page. The newest display ad will be at the top. Design services are available.

Please see individual options below for more information and display ad specifications.

To place a Classified or Display Ad, please download our advertising form or email Kim Goodling ( with your advertising information.


Advertising Option 1:

Classified Ad – Text Only will run horizontally across the web page. Classified ads may contain live links to your website. Each ad will be dated so you know when it will run out. Newest ads go to the top of the page.

All Members: FREE for 3 months.


Advertising Option 2:

Classified Ad with One Image will run horizontally across the page. Image must be 150 x 150 px in size with resolution of 92. The ad may contain a live link to your website. Each ad will be dated so you know when it will run out. Newest ads go to the top of the page.

All members: $2.50/month with a 3 month minimum.


Advertising Option 3:

Display Ad: 200 x 200 px color or B&W ad displayed in sidebar. Ad may include a live link to your website. Image file must be jpg, PNG or PDF with resolution 92 dpi.

(Display Ad design services available – $25 fee payable to webmaster.)

All Members: $20/6 months

Nonmembers: $30/6 months

To place a Classified or Display Ad, please download our advertising form or email Kim Goodling ( with your advertising information.